We are a company founded on the principles of providing honest, dependable and efficient Human Resources and Payroll Solutions for our clients at reasonable costs. Founded in 2019, Certified PEO strives to incorporate its expertise in the HR and Payroll departments with its clients' needs in order to achieve maximum potential and satisfaction.

Why Certified PEO?

It is not just the diversity of services that we contribute to our esteemed clients that makes us unique. It is our approach to strategy, collaboration, and growth. Whether companies are seeking to place a new executive, grow further with a large team of extremely experienced workers, or set up a new legal entity in an underserved market. We extend everything the company demands and pride ourselves. We pride ourselves on providing individualized service to our clients.


Customized Service Packages

We need to assume your business and the unique difficulties you face. Once we have that perception, we implement established custom solution packages to eliminate your challenges and help your business be clear. Since our services are custom fit for your business, we present compliance. No one-size-fits-all HR packages are here.


Personalized Local Service

We pride ourselves in providing individualized services to our clients. We do not have dedicated “area reps” When you have questions, you can call directly to the person who understands your business and has formed a relationship with you. We’ll never put you through the call center confusion.


Outstanding Safety Program

We are very proud to say our workers’ comp and safety plans will pay you for excellent performance. We can even customize our plans to meet your particular requirements.

Our responsibilities.

At Certified PEO, we take our duties as a “Co Employer” seriously. As part of that corporate trust, we understand that our business offers an impression on the environment, on our clients, and our staff.


Those who entrust us with their business are located at the very heart of everything that we do at Certified PEO. Every member of our team acknowledges and evaluates the trust that our clients place in us, and it is a deep honor of that trust that drives our outstanding client service standards.


We concede that the benefit of our company depends completely on the people who work hard each day to guarantee that our clients’ high expectation from us become a reality. We are a friendly, close-knit, and supportive team that endeavors to bring out the very best in our colleagues.